Welcome to The Pauley Principle!

The Pauli Principle, named for Wolfgang Pauli, deals with atoms and electron-sharing that results in new, stronger bonds. Think 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen, a shared delectable (!) electron and VOILA! Water!

Similarly, when you prepare whole food to share with family and friends, especially foods you've grown, something amazing happens. Meals become tastier and healthier. Your soul, not just your stomach, becomes fulfilled. You live life more abundantly as a result. During a shared meal, the bonds that people create grow stronger and become something new: GREATER than the sum of the parts! I give you The Pauley Principle.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apple Trees

If you've ever considered planting apple trees, now's the time to get them. The fragrance and incredible beauty of the blossoms add a homey feel wherever they're planted but you may need to check with any rules, ordinances or property owners before you plant. You don't want to be a rule-bender, now do you, Rusty? But, imagine having apple trees. Once a tree starts to mature, FREE FRUIT for years!!!

When we bought this land, there were trees so old that Johnny Appleseed himself must have planted them! Old-fashioned Early Harvest was one. That's a rare apple these days and we've been trying unsuccessfully to save these ancient trees. Last year I put out a couple of Fuji apple trees. They're a great apple for flavor and firmness and, great in desserts, this is the apple I suggest for the Apple Maple Walnut Salad that follows this post. I leave the speckled, finely striped yellowish-red peel on for eye appeal

Other great apples for sweetness and texture are the Honeycrisp and Goldrush, and I believe both store well. The yellow Goldrush is a favorite for pies and is one of the apples that cider-makers like to add to their batch.

Cider-makers also like the McIntosh, a smaller bright red apple that has a softer texture and is slightly tart. The mix of sweetness and tartness gives cider part of its unique flavor punch.

If you can only plant one tree and have no storage, go for a Golden Delicious. This apple tree is self-pollinating, so it can stand alone and still produce. Because its texture is not as firm, the sweet Golden Delicious is best eaten fresh and is also great for applesauce and pies.

For a tart apple, the Liberty,  looking a lot like a Fuji, is just mildly tart and very tasty. The Granny Smith may be the best green apple ever to serve with caramel or for candied apples. That contrast of tart and sweet is so-o-o good!

Those are just some of the apples you can choose from but I never met an apple I didn't like. The prettiest apple in the world just may be the Red Delicious. When I taught in a classroom, sometimes the kids would bring me nicely polished apples (and more than a few had a tiny bite out of them!) but it was a real treat when we had enough to make apple salad for the class! Ah, the memories!

I suggest planting your own trees for FREE FRUIT and wonderful memories of your own! If you don't have the land for one, you can make arrangements to plant on the shares with someone who does.

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